10th World Congress in Probability and Statistics
Organized Contributed Session (live Q&A at Track 2, 9:30PM KST)
Gaussian Processes (Organizer: Naomi Feldheim)
Gaussian determinantal processes: a new model for directionality in data
Subhro Ghosh (National University of Singapore)
Based on joint work with Philippe Rigollet.
Persistence exponents of Gaussian stationary functions
Ohad Noy Feldheim (Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
Joint work with N. Feldheim and S. Mukherjee.
Connectivity of the excursion sets of Gaussian fields with long-range correlations
Stephen Muirhead (University of Melbourne)
Overcrowding estimates for the nodal volume of stationary Gaussian processes on R^d
Lakshmi Priya (Indian Institute of Science)
We study the unlikely event of overcrowding of the nodal set in [0,T]^d; this is the event that the volume of the nodal set in [0,T]^d is much larger than its expected value. Under some mild assumptions on the spectral measure, we obtain estimates for the overcrowding event's probability. We first get overcrowding estimates for the zero count of SGPs on R. In higher dimensions, we consider Crofton's formula which gives the volume of the nodal set in terms of the number of intersections of the nodal set with all lines in R^d. We discretise this formula to get a more workable version of it; we use this and the ideas used to obtain the overcrowding estimates in one dimension to get the overcrowding estimates in higher dimensions.
Q&A for Organized Contributed Session 03
Session Chair
Naomi Feldheim (Bar-Ilan University)
Theories and Applications for Complex Data Analysis (Organizer: Arlene K.H. Kim)
Partly interval-censored rank regression
Sangbum Choi (Korea University)
Two-sample testing of high-dimensional linear regression coefficients via complementary sketching
Tengyao Wang (University College London)
Optimal rates for independence testing via U-statistic permutation tests
Tom Berrett (University of Warwick)
This is joint work with Ioannis Kontoyiannis and Richard Samworth.
Empirical Bayes PCA in high dimensions
Zhou Fan (Yale University)
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Session Chair
Arlene K.H. Kim (Korea University)